CNN10 - 3/12/19 川普提交预算案,编列86亿美元建墙;委内瑞拉政府多措并举应对全国大规模停电💡


CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Thank you for budgeting time for CNN 10.

I'm Carl Azuz and budgeting is the first topic we're tackling this Tuesday.

In Washington, D. C. President Donald Trump has released his budget proposal for the year 2020.

The governments budget involves trillions of dollars.

The vast majority of its revenue comes from taxes.

The budget's a blueprint of how the government plans to spend that and what the difference is between its revenue and its expenditure.

For years under Republican and Democratic administrations, the government has spent much more money than it takes in.

President Trumps proposal includes reductions in what the government plans to spend, $2.7 trillion in cuts to most Federal agencies.

The White House says it's the biggest spending reduction in presidential history.

But it would still take 15 years under this plan for the budget to balance, meaning that what the government spends is equal to what it takes in.
