A Look At The World Of Squawk Codes And Their Meanings


If you're interested in aviation, or like listening to inflight ATC communications, you've likely heard of 'squawk codes.

' These are four-digit codes given by ATC to all aircraft in the airspace for communication purposes.

Today let's take a look at their usage and the meaning of various codesThe primary goal of a squawk code is to provide effective communication between the ATC and the aircraft.

Prior to departure, aircraft will be given squawk codes, which will be used by ATC to direct the aircraft during its flight.

This code will show up on ATC screens and helps provide basic information such as speed and altitude.

Squawk codes are four digits, with each being a number between zero and seven.

This gives thousands of possible combinations for air traffic control to give to aircraft.

That being said, there are certain combinations that can't be used, which we'll cover a bit later.

Pilots must enter squawk codes into their transponder to communicate with flight controllers.

Only if the correct squawk code is entered into the transponder will it appear on ATC screens with the correct information.
