Find Your Primal Posture and Sit without Back Pain



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We, in modern society, have really forgotten how to use our bodies.

And we suffer a lot of aches, and pains, and dysfunction because of that.

But the good news is that we can heal most of the neck pain, and the plantar fasciitis, and the repetitive stress injuries, and the back pain that we suffer.

And we can do it simply by restoring our primal posture and truly natural ways of bending, walking, lifting, sitting.

Here you see two Portuguese horsemen, and they are both relaxed, but they are sitting very differently.

This guy is slumped, head forward, shoulders forward; and this guy is pretty upright.

Now, what would most parents tell their children when sitting like this?

Sit up straight!

And he could do it, but it would take tension in his lower back.

And he'd probably last a short while, and then he get tired, maybe sore, and he'd go back to slumping.
