如何在整个学年中保持动力 How to Stay Motivated for the Entire School Year



Every new school year brings with it the same age-old problem:the constant war of attrition that is fought against your motivation as the semester wears on.

See, in the beginning of the semester, you know, your motivation levels are usually high.

You've got brand-new classes that you're excited to take and there's usually not a whole lot on your plate to stress you out.

But in the middle of the semester, it's a very different picture.

You've got tons of assignments, deadlines, projects all stressing you out.

And as a result, your motivational reserves can take a dip.

You just don't wanna go on.

And I know I dealt with this problem during every single semester of my college career and it's probably something that you've dealt with as well.

So, what I wanna do in today's video is give you five different strategies that you can use to maintain a high level of motivation to do your work, to study diligently all throughout the entire semester.

Now, everything we're gonna be talking about today is either a habit that you can adopt or an action that you can take in a specific moment.
