Irish People Taste Test English Food


John: " Fish and Chips, Mushy Peas" Dermot: It's the best stuff.

John: " Yorkshire pudding." This is what I'm expecting.

Ah, that smells great. Davey: That's a nice healthy brown.

Dermot: What's the black? Justine: Is it seaweed?

Bláithín and Nicole: *sounds of approval* John: Unreal

Bláithín: It's a bit dry. *laughs* Justine: I really like that

Dermot: It's great. John: That's good beef

Bláithín: The meat is yummy. Davey: Mmm, that bacon's really good

Justine: Yeah John: I've really got nothing bad to say of this.

Justine: Still don't know what the black stuff is, but I like it Bláithín:*clears throat* Yum.
