11 如何立即变得自信 How To INSTANTLY Become Confident


If you want to become that incredibly confident man that everyone admires, the only thing you need to do is. . . . . . Masculine Man. . .

In this video, I'm going to change your perspective on what confidence is, and I'm gonna share with you the single most impactful thing that skyrocketed my own personal confidence. Let's start this video off by asking a question.

Have you ever paused and asked yourself, what is the definition of confidence? The Oxford English Dictionary has 11 definitions of confidence, but it's the first two that are especially helpful.

The first definition is the mental attitude of trusting in or relying on a person or thing. The second definition is, the feeling sure or certain of a fact or issue.

Both of these definitions have a common thread: trust and certainty. Confidence hinges on you being sure about something.

It could be that you feel certain that a given outcome will be achieved, or certain that you'll have five friends in the audience cheering you on. Or you will be utterly positive that you will be able to remember and say the first three lines of your presentation.

Neither of these definitions says that confidence is a state of being or a personal characteristic. Confidence isn't really something that we are or aren't.

It's something that we feel at certain points in time under certain conditions. I'll give you an example.

Kobe Bryant has been said to be one of the best basketball players of all time, and he is known for his inner beliefs and confidence within himself. There is no question that this is a confident man on the basketball court, but what if we put Kobe in an environment where he is not as experienced?

Here is a short clip of Kobe talking about his experience with accounting and finance. Are you getting good at reading balance sheets and income statements?
