关于 FIFA 世界杯奖杯,你可能不知道的十个事实 10 Facts You Didn't Know About The FIFA World Cup Trophy


Every four years, players from all around the world come together to compete for one particular trophythe World Cupand we all drop everything to watch them fight for this prize.

But how much do we really know about that golden prize?

Here are 10 facts you probably didn't know about the World Cup trophy.

1. The design of the original trophy The first World Cup trophy was designed by a French sculptor named Abel Lafleur, and at first, it was referred to as Coupe de Monde.

The trophy was basically a 14-inch-high sculpting of Nike, the Greek goddess of victory, standing on a lapis lazuli base and holding up an octagonal cup over her head.

2. Hidden from the Nazis The second World War affected literally everything on the planet, including the World Cup.

The competition had to be suspended for years until the war ended.

And the trophy itself had to be hidden away under a bed because, apparently, the Nazis wanted that, too.

At the time, the trophy was being stored in the vault of a bank in Rome.

But in 1939, when the war started, FIFA's vice president at the time, Ottorino Barassi, went to retrieve the trophy from the bank to hide it in a much safer placea shoebox under his beduntil the war was over.
