Speaking English: You Can Learn English Speaking with Movies! | Speaking English lesson


Today you're transforming your spoken English by studying a scene from a movie, The Art of Self-defense, with me. When you study this way, you'll be able to understand American movies and TV effortlessly without subtitles.

Today, we're really going to study how Americans shape their phrases.

We're going to study what happens with volume, pitch, and vocal quality.

This can really quickly impact how natural you sound speaking English.

A gun to-- So, the vowel almost always reduces here to the schwa.

We're going to be doing this all summer, June through August, stick with me every Tuesday, they're all great scenes and there's going to be so much to learn that can transform the way you speak and understand English.

And as always, if you like this video, or you learn something, please like and subscribe with notifications.

You're going to watch the clip, then we're going to do a full pronunciation analysis together.

This is going to help so much with your listening comprehension, when it comes to watching English movies in TV.

But there's going to be a training section you're going to take what you've just learned, and practice repeating it, doing a reduction, flapping a T, just like you learned in the analysis.
