RA精讲—DAY 36 Marketing Management




For any marketing course that requires the development of a marketing plan, such as Marketing Management, Marketing Strategy and Principles of Marketing, this is the only planning handbook that guides students through step by step creation of a customized marketing plan while offering commercial software to aid in the process.


For any marketing course that requires the development of a marketing plan,


such as Marketing Management, Marketing Strategy and Principles of Marketing,


this is the only planning handbook that guides students through step by step creation of a customized marketing plan while offering commercial software to aid in the process.



Marketing Management 营销管理

Marketing Strategy 市场营销战略

step by step 一步一步地; 逐步地

commercial [kəˈmɜːʃəl] adj. 商业的;商务的;贸易的


图示: 断句 / 连读 ~ 失爆()

For ~ any marketing course / that requires the development ~ of ~ a marketing plan, /  such ~ as Marketing Management, / Marketing Strategy / an(d) Principles ~ of Marketing, / this ~ is the only planning handbook / tha(t) guides ~ students through ste(p) by step creation ~ of ~ a customize(d) marketing plan / while ~ offering commercial software / to aid ~ in the process.


发音 / 单词重音

For any marketing course that requires the development of a marketing plan, such as Marketing Management, Marketing Strategy and Principles of Marketing, this is the only planning handbook that guides students through step by step creation of a customized marketing plan while offering commercial software to aid in the process.

1. Marketing /ˈmɑːkɪtɪŋ/: 容易吞“k”; 利用单词重音+长元音缓解

2. Require /rɪˈkwaɪə(r)/: 双元音”ai”+”ə不饱满; 反复练习音标à再放入单词中反复念à放入词组/句子反复念

3. e.g. a, iàaiàaiəàrequireàrequires the development of a marketing plan

4. Development /dɪˈveləpmənt/: 容易吞”v”à加重防止吞音 *理解重音的由来(易读+节奏)

5. Plan /plæn/: 注意元音的饱满程度+易混淆 plenty 中的元音/ˈplenti/ *注意机器不会理解语境

6. Management /ˈmænɪdʒmənt/: 注意多音节重音带来的节奏感+耗时的区别

7. The only: 注意元音音标之前的the /ðə/会变成i/: 对比感受流畅度的区别*了解发音原则的协助感

8. Creation /kriˈeɪʃn/: 注意重音位置;对比学习:create /kriˈeɪt/; creativity /ˌkriːeɪˈtɪvəti/; 注意如果不加重或没有长元音i + ei 基本很难吞音

连读 / 句子重音

For ~ any marketing course / that requires the development ~ of ~ a marketing plan, / such ~ as Marketing Management, / Marketing Strategy / an(d) Principles ~ of Marketing, / this ~ is the only planning handbook / tha(t) guides ~ students through ste(p) by step creation ~ of ~ a customize(d) marketing plan / while ~ offering commercial software / to aid ~ in the process.

1. Development~of~a: developmen-to-fa *注意连读同时保证重弱读

2. Such~as: su-chas

3. Principles~of: principle-sof

4. Guides~students: guides-dudent *加浊化

5. Creation~of~a customized: creation-no-fa-cutomized

6. Aid~in: ai-din


For ~ any marketing course / that requires the development ~ of ~ a marketing plan




For any marketing course that requires the development of a marketing plan, such as Marketing Management, Marketing Strategy and Principles of Marketing, this is the only planning handbook that guides students through step by step creation of a customized marketing plan while offering commercial software to aid in the process.


***弱读生疏的地方要拎出来单独练e.g. that requires the developemnt of a marketing plan. (that听起来拗口)

***单词重音加强(前半段可以,后半段有忽视)Handbook /ˈhændbʊk/, customized /ˈkʌstəmaɪzd/

***个别单词嘴部过于放松(依然注意后半段是否还在关注)commercial /kəˈmɜːʃl/: 变形成”me”; software /ˈsɒftweə(r)/ 谨防变形成soft wall

***快考试了,仅关注个别连读位置:development~of; aid~in (读的时候感觉不顺畅的地方)


For any marketing course that requires the development of a marketing plan, such as Marketing Management, Marketing Strategy and Principles of Marketing, this is the only planning handbook that guides students through step by step creation of a customized marketing plan while offering commercial software to aid in the process.

1. Marketing /ˈmɑːkɪtɪŋ/: “ki”有吞音危险;慢速练习无重音ma-ke-ting (多练几遍)à慢速加重”ma”: Ma-ke-ting à在前两个基础上加快速度: Maketing

2. requires /rɪˈkwaɪə(r)/: “ə已经吞掉;aɪəà kwaɪə à ɪˈkwaɪə à加速

3. development /dɪˈveləpmənt/: “lə有吞音风险;从ˈveləpmənt起步,慢速+夸张重音表现à + di

4. this is the only: “the”已经吞掉;弱读消失;整体重读 this is the only à the稍弱à 成比整体降低

5. Step by step 稍拗口: 了解拗口可被连读/失爆/重音等协助解决à ste(p) by step à先慢后快

6. Offering /ˈɒfərɪŋ/: 读成了offening; 偏口误 *猜测commercial较长分散注意力,但最后还是卡了



For any marketing course that requires the development of a marketing plan, such as Marketing Management, Marketing Strategy and Principles of Marketing, this is the only planning handbook that guides students through step by step creation of a customized marketing plan while offering commercial software to aid in the process.


1. Requires /rɪˈkwaɪə(r)/: 读成了re quills /kwɪl/; *读成另外一个词=就是另外一个词

2. Strategy /ˈstrætədʒi/: 听着像stotage; *正式越快,准备时候甚至需要越慢(准备+练习这个环节今晚集中练个30句,明天考试嘴部肌肉会有记忆的)

3. Principles /ˈprɪnsəplz/: 尾音消失了,偏向于是语速太快刹车难的感觉,紧张更甚*参考第二条

4. Creation /kriˈeɪʃn/: 高频且较特殊,吞掉了ei

