推销自己和描述自己的商务英语词汇 Business English Vocabulary for SELLING & DESCRIBING yourself _ Business English Course Lesson 3


Hello everyone. And welcome back to English With Lucy.

In this lesson, I'm going to teach you how you can sell yourself in English on your CV, in your cover letter, and in your interviews. In your CV, your cover letter, your telephone interviews, and your job interviews, you are selling yourself.

Language plays a huge part in this. In this lesson, I'm going to teach you about the weak words you should avoid saying and the powerful words you should use instead.

To start, let's talk about 25 words you should use to sell yourself. You should pick a handful of these that describe you and see how you can work them into your job application process.

Number one, determined. Determined.

This means that you have determination to get a job done. Number two, hard-working.

Hard-working. This means that you put a lot of effort into a job, and you like to do it well.

Number three, diligent. Diligent.

This means that you show care and effort in your work. Number four, trustworthy.

Trustworthy. This means that people can rely on you to be good, honest, and sincere.
