6 种父女关系不健康的迹象 6 Signs of an Unhealthy Father-Daughter Relationship


Hey there, Psych2goers. What kind of relationship do you have with your parents?

Your early childhood experiences have an impact on who you grow up to be. How your parents treat you growing up can stay with you for a long time because it tells you a lot about how they see you and in turn, how you should feel about yourself.

It's why having a toxic relationship with your parents can have such a detriment long-lasting impact on your life. In this video, we'll be looking at father-daughter relationships in particular.

So without further ado, here are six signs of an unhealthy father-daughter relationship. Number one, he's an absentee father.

Has your father been there for you growing up? Whether it's because of divorce, having his own other family or a career abroad, you may have had a father who was never really present in your life.

He may have been absent for milestones, special occasions and for the moments when you needed him the most. As a result, it might have left a significant hole in your heart.

Ultimately, a sign of an unhealthy father-daughter relationship is when your father was never there when you really needed him to be or when he never made much of an effort to be there for you. Number two, he's emotionally unavailable.

Similarly, even if your father was actually present in your life, either living with you or co-parenting you, it's still an unhealthy relationship if he is emotionally closed off and distant all the time. Instead of offering you comfort when you're upset or sharing in your joy whenever you accomplish something, he may just show a disinterest.

Fathers like this may have no interest in fostering a relationship with their children at all. They may see their role as mainly to provide for your family through other means such as financially.

Number three, he's overly controlling. Does your father make every decision for you?
