

This program is brought to you by Emory University. Everything humans know of our planet

we were told have been shared. You lied to us. You've made a grief mistake.

Isaac Asimov created the 3 laws of Robotics, that is, he suggested in one of his science fiction works

but it then spread, that a robot needs to be inculcated with 3 ideas.

One is, I would never let a human come to harm. I would never harm a human.

And that I would protect myself except in so far as it violates one of the first 2 rules.

A robot can't protect itself at the expense of human life or human harm.

So what you have often, when you have science fiction stories or movies

about robots gone bad, is how did they would go around some of this protections that

we assumed were built into robots when we create them, because what we don't want
