最强英音:Kate Beckinsale不仅只有美貌









(音频末尾彩蛋:Kate Beckinsale朗读的有声书《傲慢与偏见》3‘58’‘起)


        今天我在《最强英音》专栏里来说说Kate Beckinsale。在她不可辩驳的美貌之下,我们发现了很多超出想象的地方。之所以写到她,必要条件就是她相当纯正清晰的口音,不过这个我们稍后再展开详细叙述。还有一个原因是最近闹剧荒,就重温了一遍阿诺德施瓦辛格的《全面回忆》,以及她的2012年的翻版。


  Kate Beckinsale是因为《黑夜传说》被大家发现,而且从此开始了一系列的女打手的角色,包括在《全面回忆》中扮演的狠辣特工Lori(这个角色在老版中也捧红了莎朗斯通) ,《范海辛》, Contraband, Whiteout等都是这类型系列。直到2016年,她在根据简奥斯丁的Lady Susan改变的Love and Friendship影片中的出演,才开始重新塑造了新的形象。毕竟,在成为女打手之前,她在《珍珠港》,Aviator, Emma,以及莎翁的《无事生非》里都是美美的形象。


(Love and Friendship剧照)

她在各个方面看上去都是花瓶角色,但却在各个方面都超出人们的局限认知。除了刻苦成为一名打戏实力派演员的同时,她还会沉下来关进小黑屋录制《傲慢与偏见》这样极具难度的有声书作品。她自身的口音相当纯正,而且语速快,节奏感强,而她的声线是沙哑的。这种组合,会让很多粉丝觉得极其性感。有声书中,录制者需要用声音和口音塑造各类角色,并且完全靠自己的声音,没有任何其他的辅助手段来掌控整个情节。这的确是需要学霸级的能力。在今天的音频中,我和大家分享Kate Beckinsale的一小段《傲慢与偏见》,你也可以和我写的另外一篇最强英音中的Rosamund Pike的同样的作品来进行对比。


Q: Books about mind-boggling statistics that are true about people and families. What were they?

Kate Beckinsale: Well, it was I think 61 percent of under, you know, low-income families have absolutely no books in their homes at all for children, and that 80 percent of after-school care and preschool that serve under-privileged children have no age-appropriate books for their children too, which just seems kind of like cruel, actually. You know, I think, especially in this day and age where we’re constantly fighting a kind of global ADD with the internet and video games and television and commercials, reading is an active activity, even though you’re generally sitting down, that a child’s imagination is a part of, and actually grows from, rather than just sort of sitting there having it happen to them. So I do think it is extremely important at a young age that’s stimulated and encouraged.

Q:What message, if anything, do you think reading brings to the issue of bullying?

Kate Beckinsale: I mean, first of all, I think reading in general increases your sensitivity level and your ability to be empathetic, you know, and identify with the character. So again I think in a very oblique way if somebody has got a passion for reading I think they’re probably less likely to just start picking on people for no reason. I think, you know, there are certain characters in literature that I think, you know, Harry Potter is a good example of somebody who was not necessarily heroic and was being picked on constantly and actually kind of rose to the occasion I think as much as we can kind of promote those kind of characters, including, you know, in pop culture obviously there's Gaga and people who are just trying to, kind of, really, sort of, hit home the fact that being different is actually often, kind of, the cooler thing than running completely with the herd, and that, you know, that a kind of, just a measure of tolerance for differences actually makes, you know, makes it a more interesting life for everybody concerned. For my daughter, she’s been around a lot of very different kinds of people. That’s partly something that’s to do with how my life has been, but it does expand your world a lot to be reading so if you are reading about a lot of different things, there’s a lot of amazing children’s books that do deal with all sorts of issues whether it’s divorce or disability or death in the family, or all of that stuff, and I think all of that stuff is very important for children to read about.


ADD: Attention Deficit Disorder 注意力缺陷多动障碍

音标来源/ Longman Pronunciation Dictionary & Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary


  1. 这段视频中,Kate Beckinsale主要谈到儿童读书对于认知这个世界和处理复杂人际关系的帮助,特别是遇到欺凌的情况,读书是否会有帮助。

  2. 整一段语速很快,这也是她个人的说话风格。因此,更需要大家在众多辅音的打磨中做到清晰到位,符合要求,并配合使用各种连接技巧。

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