3 个在线小组学习的方法 3 ways to learn successfully as a team online


In the past two years, the way we learn has changed a lot, and today, we can learn and improve our English even when there's no teacher around.

And when we work as a team, we can learn more and even develop important life skills for the future.

So in this video, I'll give you three ways to learn successfully as a team online.

Let's go.

There are lots of activities you can do as a team that don't necessarily happen during class.

Your teacher might suggest you do research on a specific topic and present to the class.

And this can be done as a group.

The first thing you should do is plan and assign roles so everyone knows what they should do.

You can use instant messaging apps like WhatsApp, Google Chat or Microsoft Teams Chats, and ask your team members questions like, what would you like to do today?

What are you good at?
