Benedict Cumberbatch reads a 17-year-old Tom Hanks' letter


本尼(Benedict Cumberbatch)用美音朗读了奥斯卡影帝汤姆·汉克斯(Tom Hanks)在17岁时写给导演乔治·罗伊·希尔(George Roy Hill)的信。信中,汤姆毛遂自荐,希望导演能“发掘”还是高中生的他。

Dear Mr Hill,

Seeing that ... I have seen your fantastically entertaining and award-winning film The Sting, starring Paul Newman and Robert Redford, and enjoyed it very much, it is altogether fitting and proper that you should 'discover' me.

Now, right away I know what you are thinking: 'Who is this kid'?

and I can understand your apprehensions.

I am a nobody.

No one outside of Skyline High School has heard of me ...

My looks are not stunning.

I am not built like a Greek God, and I can't even grow a mustache,

but I figure if people will pay to see certain films ... they will pay to see me.

Let's work out the details of my discovery.
