

And now it's time for some more Amazing Animals. Number 71, the amazing bottlenose dolphin.

Prepare for something wonderful blessing in the tropical oceans and warm waters of our magnificent planet. These mightily intelligent mammals who have even bigger brains than our own travel in social groups called pods.

Did you say iPod? My broken dude Gary got fish in it.

Oh, sorry Tony. Bottlenose dolphins communicate with a complex system of squeaks whistles and clicks which they use is a kind of underwater radar to find fish.

They also use their heads to work as a team pushing their prey. I want the shore for easy sushi to go.

Oh, that's my luck. They're also fast, reaching speeds of over 18 miles per hour.

They have excellent vision, which is just perfect for doing this. Strangely, these mammals often seem to enjoy human company coming to the surface to breathe just like us.

They certainly take our breath away. Thank you bottlenose dolphins for being such amazing animals.
