为什么有些屁会那么臭 Why Do Some Farts Smell So Bad


"Don't fart naked near food."

That was a tongue-in-cheek conclusion from a couple of Australian scientists in 2001 who conducted an experiment on farts.

A nurse had asked them if farting in a sterile environment, like the surgery room she worked in, could cause infections.

It's kind of a weird question, but maybe not entirely ridiculous.

So these researchers looked into whether farts were potentially harmful, or just stinky clouds.

And their experiment was just one of many that analyzed what farts are made of.

Flatus, as medical journals call it, is partially produced by swallowing air as you go about your life.

But farts are mostly a by-product made by the trillions of tiny microbes that live in your gut, digesting carbohydrates and spewing out gases.

Human's fart up to 20 times per day or more, and release mostly odorless gases like nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen.

But there's a tiny percentage of the stuff that smells.
