Why Are Old People Taking The Blood Of Young People?


Hey there, welcome to Life Noggin!

Lately, Triangle Bob has been obsessed with working out.

He started asking questions like, "Does young blood actually make you stronger?" And I was like, "Triangle Bob, why are you asking that", but I mean, I guess I'll make an episode on it!

You see, Triangle Bob isn't the only gym junkie who's had this disturbing thought.

One story even claims the first transfusion occurred way back in 1492, when a dying pope accidentally killed three young taking their blood.

Yet long before that, Ancient Egyptians were relaxing in rejuvenating baths of this vital fluid, while some Romans were drinking it from fallen gladiators in an attempt to grow stronger.

It sounds preposterous, and the wild thing is, it's still happening to this day, though in a far less, uhh, barbaric way.

Under the guise of a scientific study, one company has been offering those over 35 the chance to fill their veins with the blood of younger donors, all for the small fee of eight thousand dollars.

With no control group or placebo, these 'scientific studies' are more like scams, and in 2019, the FDA issued a sharp rebuke that forced some of these 'unscrupulous' companies to shut down.

Still, there's some logic to the practice.
