人为什么睡觉时会打鼾? Why Do We Snore In Our Sleep?


Hey there! Welcome to another episode of Dear Blocko!

This is the show where I answer your questions about your world and my world!

These first couple of questions are all about sleep! Wow, you guys really like sleep videos huh?

First question up! Dylan asks Dear Blocko, Why do we snore? Is there a bigger issue?

Well, it's quite simple really. People snore when they are having a really boring dream.

Or when I'm doing my stand-up routine. See! Lights out! I'm still working on the joke.

But for real, Mayoclinic defines snoring as "the hoarse or harsh sound that occurs when air flows past relaxed tissues in your throat, causing the tissues to vibrate as you breathe". people can snore due to a variety of reasons.

Allergies or a cold might do it, as well as alcohol consumption or sleep deprivation.

A person's weight could also play a factor. Even just the anatomy of your mouth and sinuses could play a part!

No matter the puzzle pieces that add up to a person snoring, it could be a sign of a bigger issue known as obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA.
