Emma Watson In Conversation with Dr Denis Mukwege Nobel Peace Prize


艾玛·沃特森采访2018年诺贝尔和平奖得主德尼·穆奎格(Denis Mukwege),他为终止将性暴力用作战争和武装冲突的武器做出了极大努力,呼吁与人为乐是消除冷漠的保证,感同身受是消除暴力的前提。

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Just to take a, hoo, a small moment.

I wanted to, just for a minute so I can catch my breath.

Ask you, I mean I've spent the last seven days with you and you are relentless in your activism, and I mean a whole room will just stop and listen to you speak because you speak in a way that's so concise and honest and also you're so ego-less and results, you know you really, you know exactly what it is that you want and you have such a clear picture, but this is just a small part of what you do.

When you go home, you'll be working as a doctor all day and I'm curious what does a typical day look like for Denis in the DRC?

Will you walk me through a typical day in your life, in your home?


Normally, the days are not the same because I have two days per week when I'm doing my clinics to receive patients.

And I can say that this is really the very hard days, because to talk with people who come, they come with many questions and most of the time you don't have answer.

And when you don't have answer, it's very hard.

So I have two days where I'm doing my clinic.
