Could We Record Our Dreams?


Dreams are an amazing phenomenon, and considering you spend roughly 6 years of your life dreaming, it's quite curious that we often brush them aside to be quickly forgotten.

Night after night our brains go to work and bring us some of the most incredible, bazaar and often seemingly random imagery and story lines.

But, what are dreams? And like the many science fiction stories or movies, could we ever record and figure out what we're seeing while we are dreaming?

You may have heard people referring to 'brain waves' before, but have you ever stopped to think are these actual waves? and do they carry information? are brainwaves say similar to radio waves?

The answer is. . . Yes. Both brain and radio waves are forms of electromagnetic radiation, waves that travel at the speed of light.

Every time you think, thousands of neurons fire at the same frequency and generate a wave.

These waves oscillate at around 10-100 cycles per second. Radio waves on the other hand oscillate at around 50 million to 1 billion times per second.

Scientists have long used this phenomenon to measure brain activity and interface the brain to electronic devices.

It allows us to see which parts of the brain are active for different activities, and similarly which parts of the brain are active during dreaming.

Strange as it may seem, we still barely understand why we sleep, let alone why we dream.
