Naomi Scott - Speechless


真人版《阿拉丁》上映勾起大家对童年的回忆。这首歌由缔造过无数迪士尼金曲的传奇音乐人Alan Menken专门为电影谱写,讲的是茉莉公主从“花瓶“和“联姻工具”的身份中觉醒,决定从此不再沉默,勇敢追求心中所想的主题。

Here comes a wave meant to wash me away

A tide that is taking me under

Swallowed in sand left with nothing to say

My voice drowned out in the thunder

But I won't cry

And I won't start to crumble

Whenever they try

To shut me or cut me down

I won't be silenced

You can't keep me quiet
