

19-1-16 【地道美语084】美国开车,应对交警盘查 Getting pulled over



临时疑问可咨询新浪微博: @京晶am774 @英语PK台

Dialogue : (课堂全文本于微信公众号【英语PK台】课后发送,参与直播互动中译英练习需加京晶微信goingforgold2018 拉入群


dialogue 1

Mark:  Ma'am,could you roll down your window, please?  ..------.  Just roll downthe window.

Jingjing: Sorry, I'm a little nervous.

Mark:  May----------licenseand registration?

Jingjing: Sure, here they are.

Mark:  Do you----------stoppedyou?

Jingjing: I'm afraid I have no idea.

Mark:  --------------------------------------------.

Jingjing: Was that back in town?  I remember taking a right and seeing clearlyin all directions. ---------------- to keep going.

Mark:  Noma'am.  According to California law,----------come to a complete stop,even before turning------------.

Jingjing: I'm sorry.  I just filled up for gas and was ------------ theinterstate.  I guess I didn't notice the stop sign.

Mark:  Youneed to pay more attention to signals and signs.---------- standing at thecorner, they need to be safe on the street.

Jingjing:  Iget it. -------- now on.  -------------------

Mark:  Stayhere while -----------patrol car.  I'm going to check your records for afew minutes, and then I'll be right back. ------------- vehicle.

Jingjing: Okay, officer.  I'll be right here.

dialogue 2

Jingjing:  Iseverything okay?

Mark:  Yourdriving record is clear in the state of California.  --------behind yourseat?

Jingjing: Huh?  Here, let me unlock that door. --------------------

Mark:  Wouldyou like to tell me about this?

Jingjing: Oh,---------------?   I forgot all about that!

Mark:  Whenwas the---------- consumed alcoholic beverages?

Jingjing: It'd be that wine, two—no, three days ago. --------------because I didn'twant it rolling around the trunk.

Mark: Technically, this is an open container.

Jingjing:  Idon't want to argue, --------------------pretty tight.

Mark:  It'sstill an open container, --------------, and it's within reach of the driver. Could you step out of the vehicle now?

Jingjing: Sure, okay.

Mark: Breathe into this for me.

Jingjing: Ok, like this?

Mark:  Yes. -------------------- to be below the legal limit.  How about yousecure this -------------------- for me?

Jingjing: Alright.  Am I in any trouble?

Mark:  ---------------------. But I'm going to flag your record.  Any further violation withinthe ---------- to result in a citation, or worse.

Jingjing: Thanks, officer.  I appreciate it.



new words andphrases


from dialogue 1

registration  proofor ownership (or rental) of a car

vehicle  car,van, SUV, truck, bus



from dialogue 2

alcoholicbeverages  beer,wine, liquer

open container  abottle, can, cup or glass that is not still sealed

let someone off  don'tpunish someone

flag  put anote on something, for other officers to see

violation  (violationof the law) breaking the rules

citation  trafficticket
