

19-4-10 【地道美语095】叮叮咣咣!春日装修烦恼多 Spring construction



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春天是温柔的季节,是赏美好春光的时节,也是一年中大兴土木的时节,左邻右舍开始了家宅装修,敲敲打打少则半月,多则数月,钻头呜呜声令在家工作喜安静的人不胜其扰,尤其隔音不好的房宅传出的装修噪音更是令人烦躁不安。来聊聊你被装修打扰的故事。【地道美语093】Spring construction 春日装修烦恼多


Dialogue : (课堂全文本于微信公众号【英语PK台】课后发送,参与直播互动中译英练习需加京晶微信goingforgold2018 拉入群


dialogue 1

Jingjing:  Mark, are youokay?  You look a little-----------------------------.

Mark:  I'm alright. Don't worry about it.

Jingjing:  Your eyes arered, ---------------  Have you been getting enough sleep?

Mark:  I've been sleepinglike a log.  It's the ----------------- that's a problem.

Jingjing:  So, what's up?

Mark:  What's up and w------------—youcould ask.  I have construction---------------------me where I live.

Jingjing:  This is thetime of year for it!  So, ---------- are being remodelled,right?

Mark:  Yeah, one directly----------totally gutted, while another----------------- is havingsome work done.

Jingjing:  That must bepretty ------------------!

Mark:  ---------------------------------------------------

Jingjing:  But theworkers are only allowed to make noise during the -----------.  Aren't youusually out ---------------------- then?

Mark:  I am.  Butyesterday was my day off.  ---------------- chillax andcatch up on some work, --------------------—but I couldn't do anything.

Jingjing:  Why didn't youget out of there and go to a -----------------?

Mark:  I did.  Icouldn't even hear myself think.  I had to go ---------------- stopfor a few minutes so I could ----------------------- gather my keys and stuff.

Jingjing:  Were they niceabout it?

Mark:  Yeah, they werepretty -----------------



dialogue 2

Jingjing:  That's good,at least.

Mark:  Also, when Italked with the workers, they told me it would ---------------.

Jingjing:  You're luckythen.  Last spring, my neighbors redid------------------. I couldn't spend any time at home except-------------------------.

Mark:  Wow, that musthave sucked!

Jingjing:  It did; and itwas the kind of work where it was noisy for a while, then not so much,-------------------------------------------.

Mark:  You must have ------------------at coffee shops.

Jingjing:  Well, you knowme, I don't drink coffee.  So, I just came in to the office ---------. My boss was ------------------------------- those months.

Mark:  Jeez, you'd thinkspring would be the time to enjoy ------------.  But everywhere, it's ----------------------than at other times of year.

Jingjing:  Hmm, all theextra noise in spring has ---------------------.  Last year, because ofthe construction,-----------------------------------------

Mark:  That's a great wayto start the day.  It's better than what I do.

Jingjing:  Um, what doyou do?

Mark:  I drink coffee. I've already----------------------my allowance.

Jingjing:  Haha, you'reso careless!  --------------------through this month.

Mark:  I know, right. Anyway, the weather's getting ----------------- in the park.

Jingjing:  So, if you runout of money before you run out of month, y------------------- yournotebook PC out into the sun.

Mark:  That soundsalright!  Thanks for cheering me up!



new words and phrases


from dialogue 1

sleep like a log  sleep deeplywithout moving

remodel  workers make majorchanges inside a building (not building construction, not decoration) (“Construction”is sometimes used as a general word for this work.)

gut (v)  totally remove theinsides of something (for a house, this would mean taking out thenon-load-bearing walls, pulling up the flooring, etc.)

put on edge  make someonenervous

chillax  chill and relax

can't hear think  a place is toonoisy/chaotic



from dialogue 2

redo  remodel/fix(informal)

burn through  spend, use up

run out of money before runout of month  spendyour monthly money before the month is over

