2.Her shyness condemned her to a life of loneliness.
性腼腆, 这使得活很孤独。
3.Peter had just begun a life sentence for murder.
4.God can be glorified through a life of scholarship.
5.His addiction to drugs propelled him towards a life of crime.
6.Cooking, cleaning and ironing seven days a week.What a life!
7.I secluded myself up here for a life of study and meditation.
8.A life of toil is generally the price of fame and success.
9.The murderer received a life sentence.
10.I am longing for a life, easeful is enough, steady going is better, feelingful if it could be.
11.In full agreement with his abbot, Columban zealously practiced the severe discipline of the monastery, leading a life of prayer, ascesis and study.
12.A life insurance company contract that pays periodic income benefits for a specific period of time or over the course of the annuitant's lifetime.
13.For those who like a little more spice in their action, try riding the "whirlies" and "squirts" along the way, vicious sections of water that have a life of their own.
14.Leo Tolstoy, who in his fifties gave up much of his wealth and devoted himself to a life of pacificism and asceticism, had as one of his disciples a certain wealthy aristocrat named Chertkov.