5.That boy builds phantasies and castles in the air.
6.The wardrobe in the front bedroom has been built in.
7.Online security is being built in to the system, not tagged on.
8.----- The Superintendent's Quarters, Quarters 100, built in 1820 when Captain Sylvanus Thayer was Superintendent.
-----是军营,100间住所,在1820年,当时Sylvanus Thayer上尉任时候建造。
9.The bridge was built in 1982.
10.The mayor has tried to foster civic pride by having a new public library built in the city.
11.The synagogue was built in 1901 on land given by Sir Jacob Sassoon and his family and includes a Mikvah (ritual bath).
12.Kiani Maryam: "You just become, like a flower becomes the fruit. It's all built in within you. Allow it to work out." -- Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.
13.Chooede Gompa presently is the main Gompa of Lo and also the center of religious activity.It was built in 1757 and now under the leadership of the crown prince.