Layers of rich dark plum and cherry, heady spice and perfumed f loral notes abound.
Layers of rich dark plum and cherry, heady spice and perfumed f loral notes abound.
A type-F monist may have one of a number of attitudes to the zombie argument against materialism.
Time frequncy(T-F) analysis is a method studying thin interbedding structure onthe base of T-F changing pattern of seimic response.
F eeling crabby today?
Objective:To develop the method for the determination o f 4-methyl imid azole in caramel.
Objective To analyze and summarize the outcomes of treatment o f aiguillette collision injury by improved foreacromioplasty.
Cumulate plagioclase appears abruptly at the base of the F unit, which rests on an erosional disconformity .
F. days when the senior officer called for a scramble, you’d hop in the old crate and tallyho.
Preceding them with an omnibus F test in a stagewise testing procedure defeats this design, making it unnecessarily conservative .
The premise of designing and creatin g Chongqing's tourism image is to rec ognize its advantages and keystone o f devel-opment.
F ig.1 D ot b lotting p icture of p53 and bcl-2 of retina l tis-sue of 20-w eek d iabetic rat.
图1第20周糖尿病大鼠视网膜组织p53和bcl-2 dotb lotting像。实验组为阳性反应而对照组为阴性反应。
Five triterpenoids were isolated and their structures were identified to be cauloside C (1),akebiasaponin D (2),akebiasaponin F (3),ursolic acid (4) and hederagenin (5).
This kiln adopts electricity as the heat sources, with components of heating body as Swedish KANTHAL electric heating wire (brand A—F), with a long lifetime.
It comes to the conclusion that the glycoprotein of F. bacterium is able to stimulate activities of lectin, phenoloxidase, bacteriolytic and antibacterial in blood-lymph of crayfish.
When melting cast iron f or rollers in main frequency induction furnace,the recarburization of the molte n iron could be effectively achieved by using new types of recarburizer.
Bixin and norbixin extracted from the seed phragma o f annatto tree (Bira orellana L.) are two major edible natural pigments health, safe, nutritional and the product market is good.
Years later, my daughter found my old report cards and was delighted to learn I got an F in deportment -- with a note from Mother Marita Joseph that I was to leave the summary executions to her.