The US Secretary of State John Kerry has asked that countries attending peace talks on Syria this weekend remain open minded about a political solution.
My focus today is how we build within ourselves a disposition to be open minded that is authentic, lasting, and ultimately a force for positive change.
Good love means two people on a rotating basis, knowing how to take on the roles both of really kind teacher and deeply open minded, undefensive student.
Sean is open minded about whether quantum computers will bring about a technology revolution, but he thinks this ability to represent the quantum nature of the universe holds the most promise.
Similarly, if I give you a personality test now and it says that you're anxious and defensive, well--and then give it to you tomorrow and it says you're calm and open minded, it's not a reliable test.
So I know how I want to be, but if I'm not realizing that people are getting it that way, I want to be someone who's kind and open minded and not judgmental, and a really hard worker.
I think our cultural gatekeepers need to be more open minded, need to feed themselves more and read more and listen more and create spaces to talk to people from those communities and from the black community in particular.