3.He was above <>an class="key">all a good and tireless writer.
4.Moral beauty ought to be ranked above all other beauty.
5.Breathe not the secret, above all, to the man thou wottest of.
6.The anthropology of the future will not be concerned above all else with primitives.
7." " above all.You must one Piao gas drinks this cup to add full peppery maguey.
8.Eg.26 Significant fever, leucocytosis, and above all, rigors should arouse suspicion and so should the presence of sepsis.
9.Air hole, burnthrough, cooapse and welding crackle occurred in the fixed overhead weld for aluminium and aluminium alloy tubes, above all the small-size thin wall tube.
10.Above all, a well-designed Google product is useful in daily life.It doesn't try to impress users with its whizbang technology or visual style – though it might have both.
11.Our aim is to activise the scientific atmosphere in east of China and develop students' computer level.Above all,we want to become the most active technological group in this district.
12.But I produced tears amounting to more than what I have done for the last 7 episodes, this is voluntary tears, out of sheer sympathism, indignation, commiseration and above all, identifiability.