1.100,000 of the machines are gathering dust in stockrooms.
100,000 台机器正放在仓库里积灰呢。
2.Gather the waist in a little more with fine stitches.
3.The tour guide gathered the visitors in the hotel lobby.
4.Pacifist movements gathered strength in Norway.
5.The seamstress gathered in the cloth.
6.We'll have to forgo our rest hour to gather in the wheat before the storm begins.
7.This past week, volunteers from Red Cross and Red Crescent societies around the world gathered in Solferino to mark the anniversary.
8.Thus a hollow appears on the surface of the nucleus.The precursor of chromatoid body gathered in the hollow and condensed into chromatoid body.
9.'You shall have the fiftieth year as a jubilee; you shall not sow, nor reap its aftergrowth, nor gather in from its untrimmed vines.
10.Benedict, together with the visiting Armenian Apostolic Church Catholicos Aram I, joined hundreds of people gathered in the Paul VI Hall, inside Vatican City, for the ceremony.