2.The research has opened up new realms for investigation.
3.The police had to get special permission to open up the grave.
警察必须在获得特准后, 才能打开这座坟墓。
4.The publication of the diaries opened up a real Pandora’s box.
5.We shall have to open you up and remove the diseased bone.
6.He flashed his headlights and jumped lanes whenever a gap opened up.
7.The antiaircraft guns opened up.
8.Others argue that more bus routes should be opened up because buses can accommodate more passengers.
9.When a woman is in labour,her cervix opens up to allow the baby to be born.
10.This has the advantage of no ugly caulked seams to mildew or open up, no mica to loosen.
11.Special zones for developing high and new advanced technology have been opened up in places where conditions permit.
12.The crane lifts the cars from a huge sinkhole that opened up in Moscow's Buto-vo district, April 2, 2009.
13.Sherry discreetly opens up the safe and sees that the envelope addressed to the District Attorney contains Keith's secret microcassette.
14.You like to get out in front, open up a lead, take a likttle breather in the backstretch, and then come home free.
15.Local college have open up many courses on the ginshop management,which have substantial theoretics and pay attention to the combination between pratice and theoretics.
16.Once I broke through my initial crustiness and got into the habit, it even became a game: Can I make this grump open up?
17.The protective breaking resistance design of the project shall be executed for predesign or trial design, which is not only opening up, but also practical.
18.As I opened up the computer to try and fix the problem, I realized that I was getting into completely uncharted waters and considered whether to leave it to the experts.