The stone on hilt of keris posted by Mr.Wudao should be the so-called farraginous stone,not the ruby or beryl.
The stone on hilt of keris posted by Mr.Wudao should be the so-called farraginous stone,not the ruby or beryl.
Omphacite jade or omphacitic jadeite jade, commercially named Inky Black Jade, is a virtually monomineralic rock composed of more than 90% omphacite.
Most noteworthy are the handsome American mountain ash, or dogberry (S. americana), and European mountain ash (S. aucuparia), also called rowan, or quickbeam.
最名贵的种类是美洲楸(Sorbus americana)和引鸟楸(S. aucuparia,俗称欧洲楸)。
This feature and its big eyes made it resemble a bunny or a rat—which is why it is commonly called a rabbitfish or ratfish.
Never alter a trademark or pluralize it or use it in the possessive form (unless the mark itself is possessive).Never use it as a verb or an adjective.
The Arctic fox (Alopex lagopus), or white fox, as it is often called, is a member of the canid family and is related to other foxes, wolves, and dogs.