The cruel landlord would bate him no rent.
The cruel landlord would bate him no rent.
Hadrian belonged to an upwardly mobile Spanish landowning elite that had grown rich selling olive oil.
The same prospect of misery hung over the head of another tenant of this hard-hearted lord of the soil.
Teams of four and five nonparty cadres would enter a village and try to arouse it against the landlord.
Land was seemingly limitless in extent and, therefore, not highly priced, and almost every colonist wanted to be a landholder.
A mango orchard dedicated by a neighbouring zemindar to the public use was frequented by the boys for their noonday sports.
These crude efforts to stop the onsweep of a mighty social force with the bodies of their womenfolk were the dying gasps of the andlords.
The clerks and ryots, however, seemed duly impressed, and likewise envious, as though deploring their parents' omission to endow them with so splendid a means of appealing to the Zamindar.
Land owners around Burnie in Tasmania state helped scrape together 25 kilograms of kangaroo and wallaby dung for Creative Paper Tasmania to make its first batch of the unique paper pulp.
The Qin - Han period was one when feoff system was replaced by fedual ownership of land and ideology changed.There appeared a kind of relatively open and farily free atomosphere of life.