He fled the country amid accusations of fraud.
He fled the country amid accusations of fraud.
Some properties of polynomial mollifier are presented and the conclusion that polynomial can consistently approximate continuous function is proved.
The trackability limitation of current gradient algorithm is discussed.A new algorithm, named variable parameter gradient estimation algorithm with local polynomial approximation is proposed.
In this correspondence, a new class of sextic residue sequences is constructed and the characteristic polynomial and hence the linear complexity of it are determined.
In this paper, the mathematical model of the reltion between water saturation vapor pressure and saturated temperature is established in the form of monoacidic polynomials.
According to the nature of two-dimensional biharmonic equations,this paper obtains a polynomial solution of the biharmonic equation for stress function by means of the MATHEMATICA software.
Exhibition of Figuline Figures by Mr. Peng Wenhong was hold from 27th August - 11th September, 2005 at the exhibition hall of Ling Nan Club at Level 5.
In this paper, we show that the Pseudo-Symmetric property of spherical point set can be characterized by the eigen values of eigenpolynomial and it has the closeness under the metric sum operation.