A hot plate will spoil the table's polish.
A hot plate will spoil the table's polish.
All this dirt that has got into my watch has gummed up the watch.
Don't bend the corners of the pages down, it damages them.
别折些书页的角, 会的。
He handled the test sample with care, because he was afraid of spoiling it.
My father hit the ceiling when I damaged the car.
把车, 可把爸爸气。
The boy chewed up the book.
"Keep off oil, or else it will perish your rubber boots."
You jogged my elbow and spoiled what I was drawing.
The paintwork was damaged when my car hit the street lamp post.
I used to have a companion to that ornament, but I broke it.
原来还有一件装饰品和一个配对, 可是把它。
He repaired the fence he had broken and made his peace with the neighbor on whose property it stood.
他把邻居地段上被他的篱笆修好, 和邻居讲和。
He's broken my bicycle, and now, if you please, he wants me to get it mended so that he can use it again!
他的自行车, 嘿, 信吗?他现在竟要把它修理好, 好让他再用。