The aesthetic value of literary language is incarnated by the formalization of emotion,semantic constructiveness,latent interest o...
The aesthetic value of literary language is incarnated by the formalization of emotion,semantic constructiveness,latent interest o...
Description logic is a formal language for representing knowledge and it is a decidable subset of first-order logic.
Since his ultimate goal is to prove the rationality of the world, he has to transcendentalize, formalize and idealize the theory.
These observations allow one to formalize the definition of reflection: a reflection is an involutive isometry of an Euclidean space whose set of fixed points is an affine subspace of codimension 1.
这些观察允许我们形式化反的定义: 反欧几里得空间的对合等距同构,它的不动点集合余维度为 1 的仿子空间。