Abstract Objective : To investigate whether the extract of cemental matrix can enhance periodontal cells binding to the root surfaces.
摘要 目 :附着在牙根表面牙骨质基质提取物具有促进牙周膜细附着功能。
Abstract Objective : To investigate whether the extract of cemental matrix can enhance periodontal cells binding to the root surfaces.
摘要 目 :附着在牙根表面牙骨质基质提取物具有促进牙周膜细附着功能。
Abstract Guided Tissue Regeneration using collagen membrane was investigated by tetracycline fluorchrome labelling,which showed the dynamics of new alevolar bone and cementum formation.
Methods X-ray and CT findings of one patient with surgically and pathologically proved benign cementoblastoma(BCB)in left mandibular region were analyzed together with review of the literature.