The pupil of the eye dilates and contracts in response to light.
The pupil of the eye dilates and contracts in response to light.
The pupils of your eyes dilate when you enter a dark room.
Clinical manifestation with unilateral glaucoma, corectopia, ectropion uvea, peripheral anterior synechiae (PAS) and characterized by pigmented nodules on the iris.
Australian Shepherd - retinal dysplasia occurs with other eye disorders, such as an oval pupil, microcornea (small cornea), cataracts, and retinal detachment.
This enabled visualization of any change in the ciliary body, when the pupil was constricted by carbachol, or when the scleral overlying the ciliary body was indented.
Take 10 golden triangles, arrange them with their sharp points touching, and you have a golden decagon, fitting perfectly within the iris of the eye, vertices neatly touching the rim.
Wiping away the bloodstains remained on the lips, the blaze in her flammulated , ampliative pupila went out tardily, and eventually, settled down into a pool of mild but somber azure.