It was an enormous ship; there were no fewer than a thousand cars on it.
这是一艘硕大无比船, 上面至少载有上千辆汽车。
It was an enormous ship; there were no fewer than a thousand cars on it.
这是一艘硕大无比船, 上面至少载有上千辆汽车。
Whether Consols were going up or not, London had become a terrific property.
He's pale on the face, wearing a big pair of glasses.Just like the black eyehole on the skull.No words can describe it's horrible and eerie.
At its farthest end, three glaciers meet to dump their effluvia into the milky grey glacial water, launching massive igloo icebergs into the lake with thunderous splashes.
From the back looked just like is a camelback, this gigantic incomparable camel, is remembers specially for the eminent monk ultra transports by pack animal the Confucian classics.