He threaded several causal ideas into a charming essay.
He threaded several causal ideas into a charming essay.
(3) the colour of ubiety for juxtapositional, insertion, and so on.
While telling the story he worked in a few jokes to make his listeners laugh.
在讲那故事的时候, 穿插了几笑话引听众们发笑。
The lecturer told a few jokes and anecdotes to add color to his talk.
演讲者穿插着说了几笑话和几则轶事, 为其演讲增色。
The different interlacement and alternation of all above four kinds of rhythm speeds make daedal narration rhythm.
Unfortunately we know less about them than we should like since they are kept mainly in charters, runic books, a few poems, and some interlinear translations of the Bible.