From an aesthetic point of view it’s a thetic view.
从美学观点来说, 这是个武断的看法。
From an aesthetic point of view it’s a thetic view.
从美学观点来说, 这是个武断的看法。
The study of art comprehends both aesthetic and intellectual considerations.
Then he brings out a hyper-Kantian subjectivist aesthetic theory.
Aesthetic distance is also called“psychical distance”, which is one of the most influential theories in aesthetics.
New territorialism, i.e. new localism, is a hard and most effective weapon against all sorts ofaesthetic hegemonism.
In disenchanting the unquestioned and unreflected essentialistic literary beliefs, Tony Bennett has questioned the legitimacy of Marxist aesthetics.
They tend to point to the colourful Pop aesthetics of artists such as Jeff Koons and Takashi Murakami and the rigorous seriality of Damien Hirst.
BDMP(Bridge Design Method and Process) was created in 2007.We mainly concentrate in the research of Life-Cycle Design, Risk Evaluation, Wind-resistance Analysis and Bridge Aesthesis Design.
Some systems, like Fortress (Mirage Dental Co.) and Cerinate (Den-Mat Corp.), utilize a direct build up of a ceramic on a refractory die or on a master die swedged with palladium or platinum foil.