1.The final letter is very vague; possibly an R or a K.
最后一个字母很不清楚, 可能是R, 也可能是K。
2.A high K ratio method for fatigue precracking in welding position toughness specimen of thick steel plate was developed.
3.The fliting and K-L transform were used in this paper to process the acoustic well-logging waveform.
4.Colistin is active against most strains of gram negative bacteria including P. aeruginosa, E. coli, K. pneumoniae, Aerobacter.
多粘菌素是最积极反对株革兰氏阴性菌包括绿脓杆菌,大肠杆菌,肺炎克雷伯菌 , 产气。
5.K is an electrolyte and a potentiator of enzyme functions, but neither of these functions take place in hair.
6.Emblema is available as fountain pen with 18K gold nib and ebonite feeder, rollerball pen and twist-action ballpoint pen.
7.Education level contributed 8.7% of K covariation while AIDS attitude, religion and clinical experience contributed 16.8% of W(subscript k) covariation.
8.The density of each isochore was based on the pressure-density relationship at 410 K,which was obtained from the Burnett analysis.
11.Ca absorption and tipburn of lettuce were studied under different application of N, K, Ca, sprinkler irrigation and border irrigation in open field.
12.Focus on design and implementation of K-Means-based anomaly detection algorithm engine and cluster analysis module, as well as the Apriori algorithm based on correlation analyzer.
13.The results showed: inncrease application of Ca, balance application of N and K and sprinkler irrigation could increase Ca content of lettuce leaves, reduce occurring of tipburn.
14.The nutrient of C, N, P, K in rice straw buried by rotocultivator in deep soil layer released at a high rate and less remain than on surface soil.
15.In contrast to simplistic expectations, the total amount of protofibrils and the amount of permeabilizing activity per mole protein in the protofibril fraction were reduced by the E46K mutation.
16.Basing on the basic concept and theory of K factor, The correct selection of K factor value and its im-portance in different experement situation and The method of amendment are discussed.