The expression product of ScFv was purified through Ni-NTA agarose metal affinity resin column and renatured.
经金属螯合亲柱(Ni-NTA agarose)纯化凝胶柱在位复性后,ELISA结果证实其具有良好的结合β3抗原活性。
The expression product of ScFv was purified through Ni-NTA agarose metal affinity resin column and renatured.
经金属螯合亲柱(Ni-NTA agarose)纯化凝胶柱在位复性后,ELISA结果证实其具有良好的结合β3抗原活性。
Tigogenin was separated completely from the crude sapogenins by macroporous resin column chromatography,only simple solvent Ilelute was used in the column of the separate process.