| 划词

Are you still a hard core gammer?



It’s only really the hard core that bother(s) to go to meetings regularly.



A hard core of supporters, mostly teenage girls, gathered at the airport to see the star arrive.



Judicative fact is the hard core of the relation and the standardization of judicative fact embodies the contact of fact and law.




albumenize, albumin, albuminaemia, albuminate, albuminates, albuminaturia, albuminiferous, albuminimeter, albuminimetry, albuminize, albuminofibrin, albuminogen, albuminogenous, albuminoid, albuminolysin, albuminolysis, albuminometry, albuminone, albuminoptysis, albuminoscope, albuminose, albuminosis, albuminous, albumins, albuminuretic, albuminuria, albumone, albumosaemia, albumoscope, albumose, albumosease, albumosuria, albumotope, albums, Albuna, Albuquerque, alburnous, alburnum, albus, albutannin, albuterol, albutoin, albylcellulose, ALC, ALCA, Alcaeus, alcahest, Alcaic, alcaide, alcalde, alcali, Alcaligenes, alcaliotropism, alcamines, Alcamo, Alcan, alcanna, alcapton, alcaptonuria, alcarsin, Alcatel, alcatras, Alcatraz, alcatron, alcayde, alcazar, ALCC, Alcedinidae, alcelaphine, Alcestis, alchemic, alchemical, alchemically, alchemist, alchemistic, alchemistical, alchemistically, alchemize, alchemy, alcheringa, alchlor, Alchrome, Alchrotal, ALCI, Alcibiades, Alcidae, alcides, alcidine, Alcinous, Alciopidae, alclad, alclofenac, alclometasone, ALCM, Alcmaeon, Alcmene, ALCO, Alcoa, alcogas, alcogel, alcohol, alcohol abuse, alcohol group, alcoholaemia, alcoholase, alcoholate, alcoholature, alcoholemia, alcohol-free, alcoholic, alcoholic beverage, alcoholicity, Alcoholics Anonymous, alcoholimeter, alcoholimetry, alcoholism, alcoholist, alcoholization, alcoholize, alcoholmetry, alcoholomania, alcoholometer, alcoholometry, alcoholophilia, alcoholotherapy, alcohols, alcohol-solresin, alcoholuria, alcoholysis, ALCOM, Alcomax, alcomeal, alcometer, alcopop, Alcor, Alcoran, alcoranist, alcosol, alcotate, alcotex, Alcott, alcove, alcoxide, alcoxides, Alcres, Alcress, Alcuin, alcula, Alcumite, Alcunic, alcyl, Alcyonacea, Alcyonaria, alcyonarian, Alcyone, alcyonne, ALD, Alda, aldactone, Aldal, aldalcoketose, aldamine, Aldan, aldanite, aldarsone, aldary, aldasorber, aldazine, Aldebaran, Aldecor, aldehydase, aldehyde, aldehyde alcohol, aldehyde group, aldehyde-ester, aldehydene, aldehydrol, Alden, alder, alderfly, alderman, aldermanic, aldermanry, aldermanship, Aldermaston, aldermen, Alderney, Aldershot, alderwoman, aldgamycin E, aldicarb, aldimine, aldimines, aldin, Aldine, Aldington, Aldip, Aldis, alditol, Aldm., Aldo, aldocellulose, aldocorticosteronism, aldoform, aldofuranoside, aldoheptose, aldohexose, aldoketenes, aldoketomutase, aldol, aldolactol, aldolase, aldolize, aldomet, aldoniolactone, aldopentose, aldophosphamide, aldorfit, aldose, aldoses, aldoside, aldosterone, aldosterones, aldosteronism, aldosteronogenesis, aldosteronoma, aldosteronopenia, aldosteronuria, aldotetrose, aldotriose, Aldous, aldoxime, aldoximes, ALDP, Aldray, Aldrex, Aldrey, Aldrich, Aldridge, Aldriehine, aldrin, Aldrosol, Aldur, aldural, Aldurbra, Aldurol, ale, aleak, aleatoric, aleatorism, aleatory, alec, alecithal, alecithic, aleck, aleconner, alecost, Alecto, Alectoromorphae, alee, alegar, Alegria, alehouse, Aleichem, Aleixandre, Aleksandropol, Aleksandrovsk, Alemanni, Alemannic, Alembert, alembic, alembicated, alembication, alembroth, alemmal, Alencon, Alenconnes, alendronate, alenestrol, ALEP, aleph, aleph-naught, alephnull, alephzero, alepidote, Alepocephaloidei, Aleppo, Aleppo boil, alerce, alerdex, alert, alerter, alert-headed, alerting, alertly, alertness, Alerton, alertor, alerts, alesan, Alessandria, alete, Alethea, alethia, alethopterid, alethopterids, aletocyte, aletophyte, aleucemia, aleucia, aleucocytosis, aleudrin, aleukemia, aleukemic, aleukemoid, aleukocytic, aleukocytosis, aleuriospore, aleurispore, aleurite, aleurometer, aleuron, aleuronat, aleurone, aleuronic, aleuronoid, aleuroplast, aleuroscope, Aleurtes, Aleut, Aleutian, Aleutian Islands, aleutite, A-level, alevin, alewife, Alex, Alex Haley, Alexa, Alexander, Alexander Archipelago, Alexander Bell, Alexander Graham Bell, Alexander Pope, Alexander the Great, Alexanderson, Alexandra, Alexandre Dumas, Alexandretta, Alexandria, Alexandrian, Alexandrine, alexandrite, alexanrite, Alexbow, alexeteric, alexia, Alexian, alexidine, alexin, alexine, alexipharmic, Alexis, alexithymia, Alexius I, alexofixagen, alexofixin, alexoite, aleyard, aleydigism, Aleyrodidae, Aleyrodomorpha, ALF, alfa, Alfacron, alfadolone, alfafoetoprotein, alfalfa, alfalfa-leaf, alfalfone, alfameter, alfaqui, Alfatox, alfaxalone, ALFC, Alfenide, Alfenol, alfentanil, alfer, alferium, Alfero, Alferon, alferric, Alfie, Alfieri, alfilaria, alfileria, alfilerillo, alfine, Alfisol, Alfol, alfoncine, alfoncino, Alfonso, Alforgas, alforja, Alfred, Alfred Bernhard Nobel, Alfred Hitchcock, Alfred Nobel, Alfred North Whitehead, Alfred the Great, Alfreda, Alfredo, alfresco, alftalat, Alfur, alg, alga, algae, algaecide, algal, algal cell, algaline, algam, alganesthesia, algarite, algaroba, algaroth, algarroba, algarrobilla, Algarve, algarvite, algas, algate, algatron, algazel, algebra, algebraic, algebraic language, algebraic number, algebraical, algebraicspace, algebraictopology, algebraicvariety, algebraist, algebraize, algebras, algebrist, Algeciras, algefacient, Algenib, Alger, Algeria, Algerian, Algerian Dinar, Algerie, algerine, Algerish, algerite, Algernon, Algers, algesia, algesic, algesimeter, algesimetry, algesiogenic, algesireceptor, algesiroreceptor, algesthesia, Algestone, algetic, algicide, algicole, algid, algidity, Algiers, algin, alginate, alginic, alginic acid, alginite, Alginobacter, Alginomonas, alginuresis, algite, algochronometer, algocyan, algodonite, algogenesia, algogenesis, algogenic, algoid, ALGOL, algolagnia, algologist, algology, Algols, algomenorrhea, algometer, algometric, algometrical, algometry, algondon, Algonkian, Algonkin, Algonquian, Algonquin, algophagous, algophobia,


3G, 401(K), a,



I have to know. The hard core can't understand.



The outer layers of the volcano were worn away, until the hard core stood completely exposed.


Crash Course 天文篇

More massive stars can squeeze their cores harder, so they fuse faster and get hotter than low mass stars.



So we're finished with the hard core algebra stage.


Big Think超级思想录

And then we’ve got a legs spread more hard core shot.


CNN 10 生英语 2017年9月合集

Of course, to break that record, you'd have to have a pretty hard core.



I'm a hard core MC Quillan fan, if that's any indication.



Generally there's a set hard core group of songs for each team that you have and then there's occasionally specialty songs.


CNN 10 生英语 2019年3月合集

It's hard to " abmagine" the support you'd need to stay propped in such a " hard core" exercise that seems to last " abdominall" day long.


《金融时报》 Podcast

And it almost felt, Chris, in some ways that Truss' team had begun to split here, that some of the real hard core people were saying, you've got to keep going, you've got to stick to this policy.

克里斯,在某种程度上, 特拉斯的团队在这里开始分裂,一些真正的心人物在说,你必须继续前进, 你必须坚持这一政策。

Aerial America 《俯瞰美国》

For these hard core sport climbers, it isn't just about reaching the top, it's about finding the toughest possible route up and down the peak, scaling near vertical walls, suspending from a single rope, and rappelling into the abyss.

对于这些硬运动登山者来说,这不仅仅是要到达顶峰,而是要找到最艰难的路线上下山峰,在垂直的墙壁附近攀爬,从一根绳索上悬垂下来, 然后下降到深渊。



aliferous, aliform, Aligarh, alight, align, alignability, aligned, alignement, aligner, aligning,


3G, 401(K), a,
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