3.The children looked lighthearted now that the final exam was over.
4.Now that father's lost his job, we're in dire straits.
父亲失业了, 我们陷入了极大的困境。
5.Now that oil is scarce, the fate of the motor car is uncertain.
6.Now that price are rising so fast, all my money is draining away.
物价涨得如此快, 我的钱都快花光了。
7.Her mother had mentioned how colorful the yard was,now that spring had arrived.
8.Now that the meeting place has been settled on, can we talk about the agenda?
既然会议的地址已经定了, 我们能不能商谈议事日?
9.Now that you know what to say when making appointments, be careful not to overbook!
10.Now that the DTV transition has happened, it’s even more difficult to find portable handheld tellies.
11.It was quite understandable to the body now that why the soul acted so acidly and acrimoniously.
12.Now that she's jumped to one of the most famous vocalists, she doesn't deign to visit her former friends.
13.What's a screenwriter to do now that the Soviet Union's gone and the Cold War is a microwaved warmish mush?
14.Now that genetically modified foods are on our supermarket shelves, the genie is out of the bottle and cannot be put back in.
15.So when such a book was read, “Now, that's what I call a pretty good story,” says the general reader, intrepidly appraising his own reading matter.
16.It is common knowledge now that the way to make rubber hard and strong -- to "vulcanize" it, as we say -- is by heating it with sulphur.
17.Behold, you have been made a priest, consecrated to celebrate Mass!See to it now that you offer sacrifice to God faithfully and devoutly at proper times, and that you conduct yourself blamelessly.
18.It seemed obvious now that his plan of the previous day—that of covering himself with a shallow layer of anonymity, becoming a turnspit or a scrubber at some rural hostel—was an impossible notion.