1.His hearing was impaired by the continuous great noise for a long period of time.
2.Method Hepatic and renal functions,and tissue biopsy were measured in rats with therapeutic,toxic and lethiferous dose treatment after a period of time.
3.A life insurance company contract that pays periodic income benefits for a specific period of time or over the course of the annuitant's lifetime.
4.When the plants are under water for this length of time they have enough water availability for a long enough period of time to completely rehydrate.
5.A tax advantage is also available to holders of most depletive assets—those which are used up, or depleted, over a period of time—like oil, natural gas, uranium, or coal.
6.Tree cutting organizations or private individuals shall, in accordance with the area, number of trees, tree species and period of time specified in the cutting license, finish the reforestation task; the area and number of trees in the reforestation shall not be smaller than those cut.