| 划词

1.A selfsimilar characteristic function is provided to quantitatively investigate selfsimilarity of AE process.



2.He aed string of 1 with filament in the rear of one part towel gourd head of a gravelstone.



3.Latona flying from the wrath of Juno, had besought, one after another, the islands of the AE gean to afford her a place of rest, but they feared too much the potent queen of heaven.




hyperhaline, hyperharmonic, hyperhedonia, hyperhedonism, hyperhemoglobinemia, hyperheparinemia, hyperhepatia, hyperhidrosis, hyper-high-frequency, hyperhistaminemia,


3G, 401(K), a,



1.Although Elon Musk may have taken it a bit far with X AE A-12.

尽管埃隆·马斯克可能取X AE -12名字时有些太过了。


2.Many British English words with the double oe or ae are just spelled with an e in American English.

许多带有复合组合 oe 或 ae 英式英语单词,在美式英语中只是拼写为一个 e。

VOA Special 2018年5月合集

3.AE Phillips and Son also is not operating.

AE Phillips and Son 也没有运营。机翻

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2006 English Cafe

4.The word " ah" or " ae" can be pronounced either way.


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Fast Facts Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer

5.Sequential therapy with ICIs immediately followed by EGFR-TKIs may also cause similar severe immune-related AEs.

ICI 序贯治疗随后立即使用 EGFR-TKI 也可能导致类似严重免疫相关 AE。机翻

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6.And likewise the length  AE plus EC is the same as the total length AC.

同样,长度 AE 加上 EC 与总长度 AC 相同。机翻


7.English verdure, English culture, ae English comfort, seen under a sun bright, without being oppressive.


Fast Facts Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer

8.Most AEs were grade 1-2, with grade 3 or higher hypertension in 10% of cases.

大多数 AE 为 1-2 级,10% 病例为 3 级或以上高血压。机翻

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9.You ae gonna sit down, you are gonna shut up and you were not gonna talk to me.


2006 English Cafe

10.Speaking more slowly, we will often say " ae" instead of " ah." I know I do.


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Fast Facts Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer

11.Lorlatinib was associated with more grade 3 or higher AEs than crizotinib (72% vs 56%).

与克唑替尼相比,劳拉替尼与更多 3 级或以上 AE 相关(72% vs 56%)。机翻

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2006 English Cafe

12.He wants to know why I sometimes pronounce the letter " a" as " ah" and sometimes I pronounce it as " ae."

他想知道为什么我有时把字母“a” 读成“ah” ,有时又读成“ae” 。机翻

「2006 English Cafe」评价该例句:好评差评指正

13.That first pair of triangles implies that  the length AF is the same as the length AE, those are corresponding sides to each other.

第一对三角形意味着长度 AF 与长度 AE 相同它们是彼此对应边。机翻

Fast Facts Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer

14.The incidence of grade 3 or higher immune-related AEs with concurrent use of ICIs and frst- and second-generation EGFR-TKIs ranges between 24% and 72%.

同时使用 ICI 和第一代和第二代 EGFR-TKI 时,3 级或以上免疫相关 AE 发生率在 24% 至 72% 之间。机翻

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Fast Facts Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer

15.In contrast, in the HER2-mutant cohort, T-Dxd had an RR of 55% and median PFS of 8.2 months, with 46% of patients reporting grade 3 or higher treatment-related AEs.

相比之下,在 HER2 突变队列中,T-Dxd RR 为 55%,中位 PFS 为 8.2 个月,46% 患者报告 3 级或更高级别治疗相关 AE。机翻

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16.The one place where the proof breaks down is at the very end when I said that the full  side length AC was equal to AE plus EC.

当我说全边长 AC 等于 AE 加 EC 时,证明失败地方是在最后。机翻

Fast Facts Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer

17.Many of the targeted therapies can cause drug-drug interactions with commonly used drugs and severe immune-related AEs when immunotherapy is used as part of the sequence of treatment.


「Fast Facts Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer」评价该例句:好评差评指正

18." Lake" , " a" with a line across it makes it a bit longer, it's called a diphthong because it's " ae" , it's like almost two vowel sounds in one.

“lake” ,“a” 加上一条横线使它变长了一点,它被称为双元音是因为它是“ae ,它几乎就像两个元音合二为一。机翻

Fast Facts Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer

19.Both agents have good toxicity profiles, mainly grade 1 or 2 AEs; however, up to one-third of patients may present with on-target AEs, which occur as a consequence of TRK inhibition in normal tissues.

两种药物均具有良好毒性特征,主要为 1 级或 2 级 AE;然而,多达三分之一患者可能会出现靶向 AE,这是正常组织中 TRK 抑制结果。机翻

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2006 English Cafe

20." I'm going… I want 'ah' piece of ham." " I want 'ah' piece of ham." But, if I said it slowly I may say, " I want 'ae' of ham." Especially if I wanted to emphasize or to call your attention to something.

” “我想要'啊'火腿。 ” 但是,如果我说得慢一点,我可能会说, “我想要'a'火腿。 ” 特别是如果我想强调或提醒您注意某事。机翻

「2006 English Cafe」评价该例句:好评差评指正


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