3.Latona flying from the wrath of Juno, had besought, one after another, the islands of the AE gean to afford her a place of rest, but they feared too much the potent queen of heaven.
14.The incidence of grade 3 or higher immune-related AEs with concurrent use of ICIs and frst- and second-generation EGFR-TKIs ranges between 24% and 72%.
15.In contrast, in the HER2-mutant cohort, T-Dxd had an RR of 55% and median PFS of 8.2 months, with 46% of patients reporting grade 3 or higher treatment-related AEs.
17.Many of the targeted therapies can cause drug-drug interactions with commonly used drugs and severe immune-related AEs when immunotherapy is used as part of the sequence of treatment.
19.Both agents have good toxicity profiles, mainly grade 1 or 2 AEs; however, up to one-third of patients may present with on-target AEs, which occur as a consequence of TRK inhibition in normal tissues.
20." I'm going… I want 'ah' piece of ham." " I want 'ah' piece of ham." But, if I said it slowly I may say, " I want 'ae' of ham." Especially if I wanted to emphasize or to call your attention to something.