1.The content of IgG,IgM,IgA,C3,C4 and formative ratio of ERFC and total rosette were tested on Game chicken which were fed in Xishuangbanna at the age of 60th day and 547th day.
3.And on immunofluorescence, there might be nonspecific focal deposits of IgM and complement proteins, and these get trapped in the areas of hyalinosis, but these isn't always seen.
4.These centroblasts have a rearrangement of their immunoglobulin genes, and some of them undergo a class switch where they change from producing IgM antibodies to producing IgG or IgA antibodies.
5.The diagnosis of west nile virus is made by detecting about four times the normal amount of IgM in the serum or CSF using an immunoassay test that's specific to the virus.
6.The presence of IgM antibodies suggests a recent infection, but since it can take the body over a week to produce a detectable amount, they're unreliable in diagnosing current infections.
7.So combining IgG or IgM, a positive on either and looking at just 20 days or more of having illness you can see that only one test actually captured everybody, that was the test from BioPerfectus.