1.Potter and Injun Joe were carrying a handbarrow with a rope and a couple of shovels on it.
1." But Injun Joe may be inside! " he cried.
2.Injun Joe appeared and repeated his lie.
3." I do, too. But I am afraid of Injun Joe, " Said Huck sadly.
4.Just then, Injun Joe heard a noise from upstairs and looked up.
5.Tom has more trouble because a bad man named Injun Joe is looking for him.
6." Look at this! It's full of gold coins, " exclaimed Injun Joe.
7.Injun Joe started to go upstairs, but the steps collapsed under his weight.
8." " Huck, I most stepped onto Injun Joe's hand!
” “哈克,我最踩到印第安乔的手!机翻
9.Only one bottle alongside of Injun Joe ain't enough.
只有一瓶 Injun Joe 是不够的。机翻
10.S'pose something happened and Injun Joe DIDN'T hang?
假设发生什么事,而 Injun Joe 没有挂?机翻
11." " Because he'd just got that whack when Injun Joe done it.
” “因为当 Injun Joe 这样做时,他刚刚受到重击。机翻
12.Rewards had been offered, the country had been scoured, but no Injun Joe was found.
提供奖励,已经搜遍整个国家,但没有找到 Injun Joe。机翻
13.It was that very night that I follered Injun Joe to the widder's." " YOU followed him?
就那天晚上,我跟着 Injun Joe 来到鳏夫家。” “你跟着他?机翻
14.Injun Joe infested all his dreams, and always with doom in his eye.
Injun Joe 侵扰他所有的梦想,眼中总是充满厄运。机翻
15.He felt willing to risk Injun Joe and all other terrors.
16.Half the time Tom was afraid Injun Joe would never be captured; the other half he was afraid he would be.
17.Right yonder's where I saw Injun Joe poke up his candle, Huck!
18.Both Injun Joe and the treasure sunk into secondary importance for a moment, and Becky took the chief place in the boy's interest.
Injun Joe 和宝藏暂时都变得次要,Becky 男孩的兴趣中占据主要位置。机翻
19.I didn't see anything but a bottle and a tin cup on the floor by Injun Joe; yes, I saw two barrels and lots more bottles in the room.
除 Injun Joe 的一个瓶子和一个锡杯,我什么也没看到;是的,我房间里看到两个桶和更多的瓶子。机翻
20.That Injun devil wouldn't make any more of drownding us than a couple of cats, if we was to squeak 'bout this and they didn't hang him.