| 划词

1.Musher Jon Little defends testing the endurance of sled dogs, typically huskies and malamutes, for the sake of science.




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1.So he's doing a show called " The Problem With Jon Stewart" .



2." Jon, " Bran gasped out from Hodor's arms.

" 琼恩。" 布兰在阿多怀里叫道。

经济学人 Culture

3.On October 5th Jon Fosse, a Norwegian, was awarded the world's most prestigious writing prize.

10 月 5 日,挪威人乔恩·福斯 (Jon Fosse) 荣获世界上最负盛名的写作奖。机翻

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4.[Jon] Yeah, this is a pretty much sleep zone, you know.

- [乔恩]是的,你知道,这几乎是一个睡眠区。机翻

Buzzfeed 女性时尚杂谈

5.[Jon] It's good how you were like, brave enough to like, ditch the outfit you had.

- [乔恩] 你的样子很好, 勇敢地喜欢,抛弃你拥有的机翻

「Buzzfeed 女性时尚杂谈」评价该例句:好评差评指正
Aerial America 《瞰美国》

6.Other famous Mizzou grads include Sam Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart, and " Mad Men's" Jon Hamm.

其他著名的Mizzou毕业生包括沃尔玛创始人Sam Walton和“广告狂人”Jon Hamm。机翻

「Aerial America 《瞰美国》」评价该例句:好评差评指正
The Daily Show: Ears Edition

7.From Comedy Central's World News Headquarters in New York, this is The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.


「The Daily Show: Ears Edition」评价该例句:好评差评指正

8.[Jon] We sat right here in the middle afterwards and told stories underneath this recycled water bottle chandelier.

- [乔恩] 之后我们坐在间,在这个回收水瓶吊灯下讲述故事。机翻


9.Sansa sighed as she stitched. " Poor Jon, " she said. " He gets jealous because he's a bastard. "

珊莎叹了口气,继的针线活。" 可怜的琼恩" 她说," 作私生子的难免嫉妒别人。"


10." Then guard the king, " Ser Jon Darry snapped at him. " When you donned that cloak, you promised to obey" .

" 那你就该记得自己的职责,好好守护国王," 琼恩·戴瑞爵士斥道," 穿起白袍时,你发过誓。"


11." Jon" ? A candle appeared, and a well-remembered face was looking down on him, big ears and all. " You shouldn't move" .

" 琼恩?" 一支蜡烛出现在上面,一张熟悉的脸视着他,大大的耳朵," 你不能动。"

经济学人 Culture

12.Apple recently cancelled " The Problem with Jon Stewart" , a satirical current-affairs show, reportedly because of concerns about Mr Stewart's critical stances on China and AI.

苹果公司最近取消了讽刺时事节目《乔恩·斯图尔特的问题》(The Problem with Jon Stewart),据报道是因为担心斯图尔特先生对国和人工智能的批评立场。机翻

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13." One thing, " Ned told him. " I should be curious to examine the book that you lent Jon the day before he fell ill. "

" 还有一件事," 奈德对他说," 我对琼恩生病前天跟您借的那本书很好奇,不知可否拿来一阅?"


14.[Jon] I think it's important to note that all of these Suleika originals were painted in a hospital bed and were inspired by visions, almost fever dreams, that she was having.

- [乔恩]我认为值得注意的是, 所有这些苏莱卡的原作都是在医院的病床上画的, 灵感来自于她所经历的幻象,几乎是发烧的梦。机翻


15.And as I was discussing this idea with my friend, Elliott Kalan–who is the co-host of the pioneering and very funny Flop House podcast and former head writer of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart–his eyes lit up.

当我和我的朋友埃利奥特·卡兰(Elliott Kalan)讨论这个想法时,他的眼睛闪闪发光。埃利奥特·卡兰是开创性且非常有趣的 Flop House 播客的联合主持人,也是《乔恩·斯图尔特日秀》的前首席作家。机翻

TED演讲(音频版) 2023年9月合集

16.As was mentioned in my intro, I used to work for " The Daily Show with Jon Stewart." For those of you who don't know, it is a comedy show that's nationally broadcast in Americathat satirized the news of the day.


「TED演讲(音频版) 2023年9月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正

17." —Jon Snow" . The girl tossed her braid back. " My house and yours are bound in blood and honor. Hear me, kinsman. My uncle Cregan is hard upon my trail. You must not let him take me back to Karhold" .

" ——琼恩·雪诺。" 女孩把辫子甩到脑后," 我们两家同出一脉,荣辱与共。听我说,表亲,我叔叔克雷根在我后面穷追不舍,你一定不能让他把我抓回卡霍城。"



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